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Admission to St Ivo Academy

St Ivo Academy is one of the largest county comprehensive schools in Cambridgeshire with some 1,450 students in the 11 to 16 population and 300 students in the Sixth Form.

The published admission number (PAN) for St Ivo is 296. The school’s catchment area is Hemingford Abbots, Hemingford Grey, Holywell, Needingworth, St Ives and the dwellings on the Poultry Research Station at Houghton. Children living in the area of the following primary schools fall within the catchment area: Hemingford Grey, Holywell, Thorndown Primary, Westfield Junior and Wheatfields Primary.

Admissions applications

All applications for admission to Year 7 to 11, whether in-year or for the start of a new academic year, must be made through Cambridgeshire County Council – full details can be found here.

For Year 6 into 7, the deadline for applications is 31st October in Year 6, with national offer day then taking place on 1st March.

Should you need assistance with completing the admissions process, please do contact us via email to or telephone 01480 375400.

Oversubscription criteria and appeals

Oversubscription criteria are included in our admissions policies for 2024-25 and 2025-26. Please note that all admissions for Years 7 to 11 are handled by the Local Authority.

Contact details and further information about admissions can be found here on the Cambridgeshire County Council website.


In accordance with the Department for Education’s School Admissions Code, parents and carers are legally entitled to appeal against the Admission Authority’s decision to refuse to comply with their preference. There is no charge for appeals.

  • Parents can appeal for places at all schools for which you have applied and been refused a place
  • Parents are entitled to submit one appeal per school, per academic year.
  • This appeal can be lodged at any time during the year, however appeals lodged by the appropriate deadline are heard within set timescales (see below). For Year 6 into 7 appeals, this means that the appeals deadline after national offer day is late March, with appeals heard in May and June.

Appeals are heard by an independent school admission appeals panel. The panel’s decision is binding on all parties: the school, the admission authority and parents/carers

For further information please visit: School admission appeals – Cambridgeshire County Council

Transfer Process

  • During the year prior to entry, parents/carers of Year 6 students invited to spend part of a morning being shown around St Ivo School
  • An Open Evening is held in October, during which students and their parents/carers have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with all areas of the school
  • Visits to junior schools are made by the Head of Year 7, and the SENDCO, to discuss issues relating to student transfer
  • In July, new students will spend two full days at St Ivo, in their new form groups, and will meet their form tutors
  • On the evening of the first day, parents/carers are invited in to meet their children’s form tutors

In Year Admissions

An in-year admission is when you are applying for a school place outside of the ‘normal admissions rounds’.

Applicants applying for an in-year place will be considered under the 2023-24 admissions policy.

Applications are made through In-year admissions (moving schools) – Cambridgeshire County Council.


For further information about the admissions and transfer process to Cambridgeshire Secondary schools, please visit the Cambridgeshire County Council website from which you can download leaflets etc for transition information and advice.