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Behaviour and Culture

We continue to be hugely impressed by the quality of our students’ work and their attitude to learning. This is in no small part due to the way in which students have engaged with core routines and our mantra of ‘work hard, be kind’. Significantly, it is also down to the way in which you, as families, have supported our young people by ensuring that they attend each day, with the correct uniform, the essential equipment and their homework completed.

Our priority is to ensure that every child and young person in our care excels. That’s why we will continue to improve our school culture. This will allow us to create a positive and respectful environment with a clear sense of purpose and consistency, ensure all students feel safe and happy whilst at school, and that every child is clear what is expected of them both inside and outside of lessons and why this is important.

Our policy outlines our approach to rewards ensuring that we recognise student success, and that achievement is at the heart of everything we do. You will be aware that we launched our ‘Golden Ticket’ initiative, and we have been overwhelmed with the fantastic response that has received.

For further information, please access the links below (please note that there is now one Kate bus departing the academy at 16.15):
Letter sent to parents and carers in March 2023
Letter sent to parents and carers in December 2022
Positive behaviour and relationships policy
Behaviour and culture FAQ document