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Careers and Work Related Learning

Careers and Work Related Learning

Provider Access Legislation policy statement

St Ivo Careers Plan 2023-24

St Ivo Careers Roadmap Year 7 to 11

St Ivo Careers Roadmap Sixth Form

St Ivo Work Experience booklet 2024

Morrisby Careers Platform

St Ivo Academy is committed to providing and facilitating students to make well informed and realistic decisions about their choices at school and in the future.  We aim to inspire and encourage students to realise their talents and potential to have successful working lives.

The elements of Careers provision are as follows:

  • Careers education within the Personal Development and Careers/WRL structure includes the PD lesson programme, subject lessons linking curriculum learning to careers, work related learning, work experience and careers events.
  • Careers information on education and employment routes is provided through careers events and access to Morrisby careers program.
  • Career guidance which is impartial and independent is with a careers professional in year 11, 12 and 13. Careers signposting from teaching, tutors and other staff, as well as external sources such as employers and professional bodies.

Our aim for students is to:

  1. Raise aspirations.
  2. Develop independent research skills.
  3. Develop a broad understanding of the world of work and the labour market.
  4. Develop and use self-awareness to make informed decisions about available opportunities.
  5. Review achievements and modify plans if necessary.

Year 7

  • Students participate in a future careers poster and interview competition.  This is a research activity in tandem with other activities in a careers booklet. Aspects of careers education are covered in the PD programme.

Year 8

  • Participate in an enterprise activity in July.  Students have access to outside companies and organisations which run the event from resources provided by the Careers/WRL Department.  The focus is on skills required in the working environment. Aspects of careers education are covered in the PD programme.

Year 9

  • In January students participate in the World of Work event. The aim of this event is for students to ask local businesses, organisations, colleges and universities about the world of work and careers within it.  Year 9 parents are invited to participate and run a stand.  CV writing takes place in July through the English Department in preparation for year 10 work experience. Careers is also addressed in the year 9 PD programme.

Year 10

  • In July year 10 participate in work experience.  Students have access, all year round, to our work experience co-ordinator for advice in finding their own placements.  Students write their introduction letters and emails facilitated by the work experience co-ordinator. In addition, careers topics are completed in the year 10 PD programme.

Year 11

  • Students have access to 1:1 careers meeting with an external careers adviser.  This is run on an appointment basis.  The adviser provides each student with an action plan which is stored on the Morrisby careers platform.
  • Introduction to Mychoice16 online application system lead by the Head of Year.
  • Students participate in the World of Work event in January.
  • Post 16 options evening.
  • Apprenticeships Guide:

Year 12

  • Students have access to 1:1 careers meeting with an external careers adviser.  This is run on an appointment basis. The adviser provides each student with an action plan.
  • Guest speakers from industry in tutor time. This includes alumni.
  • Career Pathways and Careers Fair held in October. Students have a dedicated session in the hall on a variety of post 18 career pathways.  Local companies, organisations and universities attend the fair.
  • Labour market information awareness activities in the Career Pathways and Fair booklet for completion in tutor time.
  • Use Morrisby careers program to facilitate choices.
  • Apprenticeship workshops and assemblies through the Aim Higher Group.
  • UCAS evening for parents and students.
  • Specific session for students interested in joining the Police Force.

Year 13

Relationships with local employers

Collaboration with our local employers and employers in the Cambridge and St Ives environs is highly valued.  We are forever grateful for the time they give us at our events.  Their participation in these events opens up information pipelines for our students to make informed choices on future subjects, courses and careers.  If you are a business and have not yet joined us at one of our events, please contact Karen Ivory at

Useful links

Labour Market Information: and

Videos explaining a variety of careers:

Apprenticeship Information:

Interactive Apprenticeship guide:

Apprenticeship webinars and workshops:

Student loans, apprenticeships and other information:


National Careers Service:

Finding work help:

Careers advice, University advice, types of jobs information:

Jobs available nationwide:

Industry Cadets for school leavers and graduates:

Gap Years: