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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

St Ivo Academy is committed to providing and facilitating students to make well informed and realistic decisions about their choices, whether that’s Apprenticeships, University, College or full-time employment we are here to guide them to the right pathway, realise their talents and raise their aspirations.

Useful links

PAL policy statement 2024

Information for students, parents/ carers and employers

CEIAG programme

Morrisby guidance

Shaping Futures guidance

Destinations data 2024

Labour market information

Other useful websites

St Ivo Academy Careers Key staff

Mrs Helen Parks

Careers Leader and Adviser

Mr Daniel Wilson

Assistant Principal (SLT Link for CEIAG)

St Ivo Academy has an experienced careers team and has established a comprehensive careers programme, we are continually striving to achieve the eight Gatsby benchmarks of good careers guidance.

Careers education within the Personal Development and Careers Education, Information. Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) structure includes the PD lesson programme, subject lessons linking curriculum learning to careers, employability skills, Shaping Futures and careers events.

Careers information on education and employment routes is provided through careers events and access to Morrisby careers program.

Career guidance which is impartial and independent is with Mrs Parks.

We strive to:

  • Raise aspirations.
  • Develop independent research skills
  • Develop a broad understanding of the world of work and the labour market
  • Develop and use self-awareness to make informed decisions about available opportunities
  • Review achievements and modify plans if necessary

Years 7 – 9

  • Many aspects of careers education are covered in the PD programme from Yr7-11
  • Students will be introduced to Morrisby during Year 7
  • Students participate in the Careers and Aspirations Fair in January where they meet employers as well as further and higher education establishments and other providers
  • Year 8 students will participate in an enterprise activity in July where they will have access to outside organisations and industry professionals
  • CV writing takes place in July for Year 9 students

Years 10 – 11

  • Students participate in the Careers and Aspirations Fair in January where they meet employers as well as further and higher education establishments and other providers
  • Careers Education content continues to be delivered to students via the personal development programme
  • Students participate in the Shaping Future programme in Year 10
  • Students have access to 1:1 careers meetings with our Careers Adviser
  • Introduction to Mychoice16 online application system in Year 10
  • Mychoice drop-in and tutor sessions supporting Year 11 with post 16 applications
  • Students participate in the Careers and Aspirations Fair in January where they meet employers as well as further and higher education establishments and other providers
  • Post 16 options evening takes place in the autumn term for Year 11
  • Post 16 event happens in school in October where Year 11 students can meet representatives from local post 16 providers

Sixth Form

  • Students have access to 1:1 careers meeting with our Careers Adviser
  • Guest speakers from industry in tutor time. This includes alumni
  • Students participate in the Careers and Aspirations Fair in January where they meet employers as well as further and higher education establishments and other providers
  • Morrisby careers program to facilitate choices and research careers
  • Apprenticeship workshops and assemblies
  • UCAS evening for parents and student.
  • Tutors facilitate pathway choices (university, apprenticeship, employment, gap year)
  • Tutors guide students through UCAS and FE College applications.
  • Students participate in the Careers and Aspirations Fair in January. They meet employers as well as further and higher education establishments and other providers