We are sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with an aspect of our school; we hope we can resolve your concern to everyone’s satisfaction. The purpose of this page is to provide parents and carers with a streamlined and contextualised overview of the school’s complaints policy.
When you raise a concern, please bear in mind the following:
- Please raise your concerns as soon as possible after the problem arises; your concern should be raised within 10 school days of the situation
- Please be clear about what the problem is, who is involved and when and where any incident occurred; being able to provide evidence for your concerns will help us investigate them.
- Please let the school know what outcome(s) you are seeking; this might be an explanation, an acknowledgement that things could have been done better, an apology, or a change in decision
- Please be polite; the best result for your child will be achieved by the school and parents/ carers working together
- Exact timelines for resolving concerns can be found on page 5 of the policy: https://www.astreastivo.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Astrea-Complaints-Policy-2022-25.pdf
Informal concern stages
We aim to resolve any concerns informally. The person best placed to resolve a concern is normally the leader of that area or their line manager. A list of key leaders in their school and their line managers can be found here: https://www.astreastivo.org/key-leaders
If you are not satisfied with your attempts to resolve your concern by talking to staff directly, the following process can be followed:
Tier 1: A concern can be escalated to the principal, either by:
- contacting the school and asking for an appointment with the principal via the executive assistant to the senior leadership team, Miss Hartley donna.hartley@astreastivo.org, or
- completing Appendix 1 of the complaints policy – we have an online version which can be found here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gGfPFvBL70-q-gtugufqCmtFNXMeEpVKr-NMlbqauotUNUVNNEJRUUZHRUk5WUpHQkpFMExJVFkxTS4u
Tier 2: A concern about the principal, or their response to your concern can be escalated to the regional director, either by:
- contacting the Astrea Academy Trust directly using one of these options https://astreaacademytrust.org/contact-us/, or
- asking the principal to escalate your concern directly to the regional director.
Formal complaint stage
This is the final panel stage of the concerns and complaints procedure.
Complainants must have completed the informal concern process before a formal complaint will be considered.
You can raise a formal complaint by completing Appendix 2 of the complaints Policy – we have an online version which can be found here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gGfPFvBL70-q-gtugufqCmtFNXMeEpVKr-NMlbqauotUNDNTRVdHUU9OMkFIQkxUV08zVUEyTjRRSi4u
Saving your online complaint
If you submit your concern or complaint via our online forms, you can save a copy for your records by clicking on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the final thank you screen, and then selecting the ‘Print response’ option.