School Alerts
Home / Concerns


We are sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with an aspect of our school; we hope we can resolve your concern to everyone’s satisfaction. The purpose of this page is to provide parents and carers with a streamlined and contextualised overview of the school’s complaints policy.

When you raise a concern, please bear in mind the following:

  • Please raise your concerns as soon as possible after the problem arises; your concern should be raised within 10 school days of the situation
  • Please be clear about what the problem is, who is involved and when and where any incident occurred; being able to provide evidence for your concerns will help us investigate them.
  • Please let the school know what outcome(s) you are seeking; this might be an explanation, an acknowledgement that things could have been done better, an apology, or a change in decision
  • Please be polite; the best result for your child will be achieved by the school and parents/ carers working together
  • Exact timelines for resolving concerns can be found on page 5 of the policy:

Informal concern stages

We aim to resolve any concerns informally. The person best placed to resolve a concern is normally the leader of that area or their line manager. A list of key leaders in their school and their line managers can be found here:

If you are not satisfied with your attempts to resolve your concern by talking to staff directly, the following process can be followed:

Tier 1: A concern can be escalated to the principal, either by:

Tier 2: A concern about the principal, or their response to your concern can be escalated to the regional director, either by:

Formal complaint stage

This is the final panel stage of the concerns and complaints procedure.

Complainants must have completed the informal concern process before a formal complaint will be considered.

You can raise a formal complaint by completing Appendix 2 of the complaints Policy – we have an online version which can be found here:

Saving your online complaint

If you submit your concern or complaint via our online forms, you can save a copy for your records by clicking on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the final thank you screen, and then selecting the ‘Print response’ option.