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Equality Objectives

The Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 has three aims under the general duty for Academies:

  1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
  2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  3. Foster good relations across all protected characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

The need to advance equality of opportunity is defined further in the Equality Act 2010 as having due regard to the need to:

  1. Remove or minimise disadvantages
  2. Take steps to meet different needs
  3. Encourage participation when it is disproportionately low.

We have considered how well we currently achieve these aims with regard to the protected groups under the Equality Act (race, disability, gender, gender re-assignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marital status, sexual orientation, religion and belief and sexual orientation). Hence our current objectives and success criteria are as follows:

Objective 1

To rigorously monitor the achievement of all students and analyse their performance in groups, including recognising those with protected characteristics and ensure measures are implemented to close any gaps so all students achieve and succeed.

Success Criteria:

  • We will routinely produce and analyse outcome data with regard to the progress and achievement of all students throughout the year, focussing on groups such as gender, EAL, Disadvantaged/Pupil Premium and SEND and comparing these results to in school and national figures.
  • We will continue to have routinely updated Quality Assurance systems by senior leaders, middle leaders and the Astrea central team in the form of lesson observations, learning walks, and student voice.

Actions and impact – autumn 2024 update:

  • Reviews of performance in testing (e.g. NGRTs), department assessments (e.g. English), and mock exams have led to targeted academic support to help close attainment and progress gaps. Outcomes in public exams are analysed each year. Reading intervention (Fresh Start) are introduced for those students that have a reading age below a key threshold.
  • Uptake of the Ebacc subjects is monitored, showing uplift year on year.
  • Quality Assurance systems (e.g. the termly work scrutiny report on marking and feedback) includes reporting on the range of students, including SEND

Objective 2

To monitor and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds through pastoral systems and roles including senior leaders, SEN/Learning Support and Student Support Services.

Success Criteria:

  • We will have identified barriers to progress; provided resources, interventions, (educational, emotional, social), enrichment activities; and monitored impact and outcomes.

Actions and impact – autumn 2024 update:

  • Equality in the information, acquisition and wearing of uniform has been sought through a combination of actions. These include removing gender-related uniform, providing uniform financial assistance, and implementing reasonable adjustments. The PE kit is now worn on days when students have PE to support those that struggle to change in a timely manner and have difficulty with fine motors skills and changing in large groups.
  • The impact of behaviour and systems on the range of students is monitored and analysed.
  • Participation in extra-curricular clubs, activities, and educational visits is monitored. Financial assistance is available, and arrangements adapted to the needs of pupils.
  • Site access is monitored and improvement actions taken in liaison with stakeholders and the Trust.
  • PEEPs (Personalised Emergency Evacuation Plans) are created as required.

Objective 3

To foster positive relations across protected characteristics.

Success Criteria:

  • We will have utilised our Personal Development programme, PSHE taught curriculum, morning address and assemblies to educate the increasingly diverse student body about different ethnicities, origins and backgrounds, sexuality, and the need to respect British Values.
  • Students, parents and staff will be offered safe opportunities to report concerns or incidents relating to Protected Characteristics.

Actions and impact – autumn 2024 update:

  • Our Personal Development programme and PSHE taught curriculum is planned centrally by the Trust PD National Lead, and adapted in house to ensure it responds to the needs of our students.
  • Student voice surveys are routinely conducted.
  • Pastoral and Safeguarding team meet fortnightly with the whole school PD lead to ensure our PD and safeguarding curriculum is responding to the needs of the St Ivo community.
  • IT STOPS NOW campaign, launched December 2023, provides a opportunity for safe reporting, directly to the safeguarding team, or any issues relating to the Protected Characteristics.
  • Student Leaders conduct verbal research and report back on the St Ivo experience through students’ eyes, then reporting back to the SLT and safeguarding team.
  • This data gathering, informs our Assembly and TutorPD programme, ensuring that our PD curriculum is responsive and relevant.