Homework is an essential part of our knowledge rich curriculum giving opportunities for recall to help students consolidate learning. Many homework’s will be delivered using specialist online learning platforms such as Sparx or Carousel.
Key Stage 3
Students will be set a 30-minute Sparx task for English and Science, and 60-minutes Sparx task for Maths.
Other subjects will set homework using a range of resources that include Carousel, Educake or paper-based tasks.
The following subjects will not set homework in Years 7, 8 and 9: Art, Dance, Design Technology, Drama, Music, Personal Development and Physical Education.
All subjects will set revision in the run up to the assessment periods in the year.
Key Stage 4
All subjects, except core PE and Personal Development will set homework in Year 10 and 11. The requirements will vary from subject to subject:
English – homework booklets and exam questions.
Maths – Sparx maths every other week with exam questions in the free weeks
Science – Sparx Science and exam papers
Other subjects will use a combination of Carousel, work booklets and exam questions/papers. Port-folio subjects like D&T or Art will set design/research tasks.
Key Stage 5
Every subject studied will set approximately five hours of homework a week. This can be completed in free study lessons as well as at home and will involve regular exposure to exam papers and exam questions.