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Newsletter 15 November 2024

Dear Parent/ Carer

This week sees the end to the Autumn mocks; well done to Years 11 and 13 for all your hard work over the last few weeks! Teachers are now focussed on marking these as quickly as they can and Year 13 will probably get their results first – there’s the Year 13 parents’ evening next Thursday 21 November 2024. Year 11 will get their results in their Mock Results Assembly on Monday 9 December 2024 in preparation for their Parents’ Evening on Thursday 12 December 2024.

It’s been great to welcome several visitors to the school this week to see us in action. Wednesday saw central Trust colleagues and architects review The Keep for ways in which we can improve our sixth form offer, all the Astrea Cambridgeshire secondary principals were here on Thursday morning, followed by Sarah Callaghan, the new Service Director for Education for Cambridgeshire and Cllr Briony Goodliffe, lead member for Children and Young People, in the afternoon. Our MP, Ben Obese-Jecty also met with me and our CEO Rowena Hackwood and was able to tour the school Friday morning.

I would highly recommend anyone who wants to see what it is truly like to study or work at St Ivo to contact reception and ask for a tour.

Parent engagement evening (and uniform postage)

Thank you to those parents who attended the parent engagement evening on Monday this week, and for everyone who submitted questions in advance. As promised, here is a link to the full list of questions and answers:

One point that attendees raised was that some hadn’t picked up on the fact that you can have any items delivered to the school for free. In order to do this, following these instructions:

(1) Select “No, I have some different details for delivery” when asked:

(2) Add the school’s address information to the delivery address:

Chromasport then use this delivery information as a filter for postage.

Year 9 into 10 subjects

We are now taking the next step in the Key Stage 4 preferences process for our current Year 9 students.

All students entering Year 10 in September 2025 will follow a core curriculum of GCSE English language and literature, GCSE mathematics, GCSE science (double award or triple award), and non-examined physical education, religious education and personal development lessons.

Students will then be guided to choose four further subjects, including a choice of history or geography and French. Students will be asked to indicate a preferred subject from each of the four timetable ‘blocks’. A draft of these blocks is now available at:

Parents and carers who wish to submit their thoughts on the blocks may use the following form:

USAF visit

St Ivo students were given a fantastic opportunity this week to be part of a transforming lives program run by United States Air Force (USAF) personnel, Cambridgeshire Police and the RAF. This program is all about making positive choices and outcomes.

Students met with the team on Thursday and enjoyed listening to their life stories and life choices and how this had impacted them both negatively and positively. The students selected to be part of this programme were totally engaged and have been talking about this visit non-stop with staff for the last 24 hours!

The students will be invited to participate in team building exercises onto the base in Alconbury in the New Year. We look forward to updating you about this visit in the New Year.

Vehicles on school site 

We ask that parents and carers please avoid using the school roundabout off High Leys during the busy periods before and after school. Please also avoid dropping off at the top of Green Leys, as this causes congestion and some danger to crossing students. Instead, the One Leisure car park can be used and has more space. Please drive cautiously and be considerate to others, including the many children walking or cycling to and from school.

Canteen prices

The cost of the meal deal will increase from January 2025. Currently, the Trust is subsidising the price of the meal deal even though it should have increased inline with inflation. We have delayed the increase at St Ivo for as long as possible, and we hope giving you advance notice now will help parents and carers plan for the increase. The cost of a meal deal (main meal and another item) will move from £2.50 to £2.75, however, there will not be any increase to price of other individual items – this only affects the meal deal. The free school meal daily allowance will also increase to £2.75 from January 2025.

Sixth form applications and blocks

Mr Braybrook has updated Year 11 parents and carers today with further information about the sixth form process.

We understand that previously there has been concerns about whether subjects offered will actually run in September 2025. We are committed to running all subjects which attract applications from students who indicate that St Ivo is highly likely to be their first choice for sixth form study (or close second choice due to other reasons we are made aware of). However, we will naturally do our best for students who don’t place us first (or close second) initially but change their minds later in the year.

We plan to run subjects on low numbers if required for these students who rank us highly whilst the sixth form grows again. However, we will be open and transparent to students if their choice of subject has a very low number of applications so they are aware of possible small class sizes. The only exception this is A Level Drama and Theatre which requires a minimum class size of three to complete the group assessment element (this is an exam board requirement).

Finally, I would like to thank all the Year 12 and 13 students who have contributed their thoughts to improving our sixth form facilities for our current and future post-16 students. This will really help us develop an inspirational space for study and socialising and make the St Ivo Sixth Form the best it can be for our students and our community.

Yours faithfully

Tony Meneaugh



Congratulations to 807 students who achieved 96% and above attendance during half term 1. Well done!

A reminder that the quickest way to report a student absence is to email by 8.30am giving details of the student’s name, tutor group and the reason for the absence. Thank you.


A reminder that Year 8 to 11 families can purchase Price and Buckland items of main uniform and PE uniform on MCAS. From Monday 18 November, collections will again be possible from P26 (portacabin near geography) at breaktime.

Ivo Insider

Edition 5 of Ivo Insider is has now been published. Ivo Insider is a student newspaper written by students for students. All the articles are planned and written by students on topics which they chose. If any students would like to be involved in the next edition, please come to room 23 on Wednesday lunchtimes.

Flu Vaccinations

Please see below information about Catch up clinics that Vaccination UK are holding across Cambridge and Peterborough in November and December. If your child missed the flu vaccination at school for any reason, please follow the link below to book your child into a specific clinic and specific time. Please note that all clinics are appointment only and run from 10am to 2pm.

Vaccination UK East Anglia Immunisation (

23 November – Cambridge – Trumpington Pavilion, Paget Road, Trumpington CB2 9JF

7  December – Cambridge – Trumpington Pavilion, Paget Road, Trumpington CB2 9JF

7 December – Huntingdon – The Coneygear Centre, Buttsgrove Way, Huntingdon PE29 1PE

14  December – Huntingdon – The Coneygear Centre, Buttsgrove Way, Huntingdon PE29 1PE

23 November – Peterborough – Gladstone Community Centre, 896 Bourges Boulevard, Peterborough PE1 2AN

7 December – Peterborough – Gladstone Community Centre, 896 Bourges Boulevard, Peterborough PE1 2AN

30 November – Wisbech – Oasis Centre, St Michael’s Avenue, Wisbech  PE13 3NR