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Newsletter 24 May 2024

Dear Parent/ Carer

Hopefully you will have had chance to read our fabulous news today: Ofsted have agreed that we are a good school in all areas! This a huge achievement for our students, our staff and the community we serve. Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to email in and congratulate us, it has been really touching to read your feedback. Your support has been amazing. 

The remaining of this week’s newsletter provides updates on the pastoral teams next year, canteen biometrics, returning books and uniform clarifications. 

I wish everyone a very pleasant, and restful half term. See you in June! 

Pastoral teams for September 2024/ 2025 

We are pleased to announce our pastoral leaders for 2024/ 2025 below (head of year, then student support assistant) 

  • Year 7 – Mr Porter and Mrs Edwards 
  • Year 8 – Mr Smith and Mrs Emmins 
  • Year 9 – Mrs Nisbet (Trigg) and Miss Sanderson 
  • Year 10 – Miss Brown and Mr Evans/ Mrs Tabb 
  • Year 11 – Ms Lewis and Mr Vine 

Many of you will know Mr Porter as a teacher of languages, but from September he will take up the post of head of year for our new year 7 cohort. Mr Smith is due to join the school in September as a head of year and head of performing arts. Miss Sanderson will also be new to the school, joining as a student support assistant. 

In order to support transition, Mr Evans and Mrs Tabb will move in to year 9 (future year 10) straight after the May half term. However, they will still be available to support year 11 students in the final exam days if required. 

I am sure you will join me in thanking Mrs Graham, and Mr Hall who are moving on from the pastoral team for their amazing contribution to our pastoral support. Mrs Graham is moving on to curriculum leadership role at another school, whereas Mr Hall is staying with us, focussing on science.  

Biometrics for the canteen 

All Year 7 students who have signed up have now been registered for the ‘fingerprint’ biometrics system in the canteen. We’ve really noticed the change in speed for the first sitting for students getting served. 

We would strongly encourage Year 8, 9 and 10 families to give consent for ‘fingerprint’ biometrics for purchasing items in the canteen using the following link:   

Returning books 

If you find any St Ivo textbooks at home that need returning, please also place them in reception. This helps the school greatly, as replacing textbooks can be expensive.  

Clarification about the new ties 

Following very constructive parental feedback, we have updated the website and the wording around the situations for which a clip-on tie will be provided: 

For clarity, the school will provide an alternative clip-on tie in the following situations only: 

  • There is a mental health, wellbeing or safeguarding situation and either the safeguarding or pastoral team would support such a request. 
  • There is a special educational need that could be helped by using clip-on ties and the school’s Senco is in support of a such a request. 
  • There is an exceptional reason, unrelated to the previous two options, and the Principal is in support of such a request. 

If you believe you child falls into one of these criteria, please email  

Re-using uniform and equipment 

Now that the end of the school year is approaching, and Years 11 and 13 groups are finishing their exams, some parents/ carers and students have asked if they can donate uniform items, PE kit, revision books, and equipment items such as mathematics sets and calculators. 

Any such items will be very welcome, and put to good use, such as making second-hand uniform available and supporting students during the coming year. Please drop off the items at the desk or recycling container in main reception. A huge thank you to parents/ carers and students who have already kindly made donations. 

As we are moving to a new uniform for next year’s, Year 7. We are also looking at options of how to donate any uniform that we can’t re-use to an online charity. Please drop all uniform into reception, and we will sort into the two options. 

Yours faithfully

Tony Meneaugh

Interim Principal

Upcoming diary dates

Monday 27 to Friday 31 May: half term

Monday 3 June: students return at the normal time

Wednesday 5 June: Year 12 Geography trip to London

Monday 10 June: Year 8 and 9 assessments begin

Student Achievements

Brothers Janos (Year 12) and Norbert (Year 10) are competitive swimmers. Janos is on the national ranking list and reached qualification times in the last three years. We are so proud that this year both students are British National Qualifiers! They swim early in the morning, getting up at 4am to get to the pool by 5am, and then again after school at 5pm. Janos and Norbert have one British and two English national qualifying times. Both competitions will be held at the end of July and beginning of August – good luck to them both.

House Points

House totals year to date:

  • Bridge 47,915
  • Crosier 46,320
  • Leger 45,560
  • River 48,050
  • Wheatsheaf 44,179

Congratulations to the following student who has achieved 200 House points (white award):

  • Arafat 7Bh, Jamar 7Bh, James 7Bh, Jun Hao 7Mc, Zoe 7Mc, Joseph 7Nt, Leo 7Nt, Macy 7Nt, Sasa 7Nt, Lacey 7Oe, Lily 7Oe, Ona 7Oe, Amy 7Sl/Kf, Wafiq 7Sl/Kf, Zanaib 7Sl/Kf, Aaliyah 7St, Emily 7St, Emme 7St, Frankie 7St, Georgia 7St, Molli 7St, Peyton 7St, Sienna 7St, Tyler 7St, Axona 7Ti, Millie 7Ti, William 7Tw, Finn 7Wa, Okwuchi 7Wa, Ollie 7Wa
  • Evelyn 8Bn, Harry 8Cl, Annabelle 8Hh, Fin 8Jh/Dm, Molly 8Jh/Dm, Charlie 8Mw, Caitlin 8Tr, Evie 8Tr
  • Molly 9Ak, Katie 9Go, Maddi 9Go, Toby 9Go, Angel 9Hy, Mika 9Ja/Hw, Ruby 9Ja/Hw, Ellie 9Yo/Ws
  • Callum 10Bf, Zak 10Bf, Maisie 10By, Joe 10Hl, Joseph 10Ht, Molly 10Ht, Abigail 10La, Ewan 10La, Eva 10Pe, Nathanya 10Sq

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 150 House points (gold award):

  • Emi 7Bh, Henry 7Bh, Isla 7Bh, Kayley 7Bh, Uswa 7Co, Amelia 7Mc, Jacob 7Mc, Logan 7Mc, Max 7Mc, Brooke 7Sl/Kf, Harry 7Sl/Kf, Lola 7Sl/Kf, Saskia 7Sl/Kf, Danny 7St, George 7St, George 7Ti, Ella 7Tw, Pat 7Tw, Ryan 7Tw, Aiden 7Wa, Bradley 7Wa
  • Jasmine 8Bn, Harry 8Cl, Lawrence 8Dt/Tl, Millie 8Dt/Tl, Scarlett 8Dt/Tl, Charlotte 8Hh, Florence 8Hh, Joseph 8Hh, Molly 8Jh/Dm, Ruby 8Jh/Dm, Edie 8Mw, Ethan 8Mw, Henry 8Mw, Tia 8Pn/Cf
  • Colin 9Ak, Mahid 9Ev/Wl, Anastasiia 9Go, Buzz 9Hx, Muskaan 9Nn, Kai 9Yo/Ws
  • Subhaan 10Bf, Charles 10Hl, Honor 10Hl, Lara 10Ht, Jakub 10Kd, Harry 10Pe, Bella 10Sg, Olivia 10Sg, Zuriel 10Sg, Haven 10Sq, Faith 10Sz, Isaac 10Sz

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 100 House points (silver award):

  • Ed 7Bh, Isla 7Bh, Aqsa 7Mc, Liana 7Wa
  • Pixie 8Cl, Nashita 8Dt/Tl, Milo 8Hh, Yashasvi 8Hr, Morgan 8Mw, Leila 8Pn/Cf,
  • Muhammad 9Ak, Samuel 9Ak, Nathan 9Le
  • Harvey 10Pe, Ezzah 10Sq

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 75 House points (bronze award):

  • Oliver 8Bn, Milo 8Hh
  • Asia 9Go, Kai 9Go, Elorah 9Yo/Ws, Joshua 9Yo/Ws, Wills 9Yo/Ws
  • Isabel 10Ht

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 50 House points (house badge):

  • Oliver 8Bn, Amanda 8Tr
  • Tatiana 9Le
  • Georgia 10Ht

Spotlight on: Water Safety

During the summer months it is likely that many pupils will be visiting the beach or swimming pools. It is essential that children are taught how to stay safe in and near water . It would be really helpful to talk through with your child how they can do this.

Stop and think – spot the dangers

  • It can be very cold
  • There may be hidden currents
  • It can be difficult to get out (steep slippery banks)
  • It can be deep
  • There may be hidden rubbish, e.g. shopping trolleys, broken glass
  • There may be no lifeguards there
  • It is difficult to estimate depth
  • It may be polluted and could make you ill.

Stay together

  • It is always better to go to the water with a friend or family member
  • Children should always go near water with an adult


  • If you fall into the water unexpectedly – float until you can control your breathing. Then call for help or swim to safety.

Call 999

  • You may be able to help yourself and others if you know what to do in an emergency.
  • If you see someone in difficulty, tell somebody, preferably a Lifeguard if there is one nearby, or go to the nearest telephone, dial 999, ask for the Fire Service at inland water sites and the Coastguard at the beach.