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Newsletter 3 May 2024

Dear Parent/ Carer

This week’s newsletter looks forward to new ways of working in school. Firstly, I have provided an update on the transition to the new uniform for students, then there is information about the Principal Commendations that we have started over the last two weeks.  

Uniform update 

The school website has been updated to reflect the new uniform expectations from September 2024: We are also emailing all Year 6 families today with information about purchasing the new uniform.  

For current Year 7 – 10 parents/ carers, the only point to note is that optional leggings/ training pants that students may choose to wear over/ under their normal PE shorts will need to be in the new style from September 2024. However, the rest of the current uniform remains the same until they leave Year 11. The changeover of current ties to the new design will happen at the end of this academic year/ September 2024 – more details to follow. 

The current Price and Buckland online shop will continue to operate until 31 August 2024, with current uniform items available. After this time, any remaining stock of badged items will be delivered to the school. We will make this stock available to Year 8-11 families (current Year 7 – 10) at cost price. We estimate this will be live on MCAS by early October 2024.   

Principal Commendations

We have introduced a new way to celebrate the success of our students. Each half term, we will be asking tutors to nominate two students for the Principal’s Commendations. These students could be nominated for a whole variety of reasons, including:

  • An excellent attitude to learning
  • Highest number of positive reward points in the tutor group
  • Acts of kindness
  • A strong ambassador for the tutor group
  • Improved attendance
  • Engagement in wider school opportunities

Over the course of the last week, Mr Meneaugh has met with all these students during morning registration to congratulate them on their nomination but also to thank them for their continued hard work. Students celebrated with leaders and had a collective photo taken with their Head of Year and Mr Meneaugh.

It is a fantastic achievement to be nominated by their tutor and those students should feel rightly proud of themselves.

Year 7 Commendations

Year 8 Commendations

Year 9 Commendations

Year 10 Commendations

Year 11 Commendations

Sixth Form Commendations

Yours faithfully

Tony Meneaugh

Interim Principal

Year 12 Parents’/Carers’ Evening

Parents Evening will be held online on Thursday 16 May from 4pm-7.30pm.

Appointments can be booked via SchoolCloud – St Ivo Academy. Booking open on Tuesday 7 May at 6am and will close at 8am on Thursday 16 May. If you have any difficulties using the online platform, please call the school office on 01480 375400. If you have any other queries about parents’ evening, please contact your child’s Head of Year.

On the evening itself, please once again log on to School Cloud then click the “join video appointments” button. The system will then load your appointments, please see for further information. You can use most phones, tablets, laptops etc to access this service. Please note that in order for the evening to run to time, calls will automatically cut off at the given end time (there will be a countdown on your screen).

Upcoming diary dates

Tuesday 7 May: Year 13 Art and MFL practical exams begin

Thursday 9 May: Year 11 and 13 final written exams begin

Thursday 16 May: Year 12 parents’/carers’ evening

House Points

House totals year to date:

  • Bridge 43,590
  • Crosier 42,295
  • Leger 41,663
  • River 43,866
  • Wheatsheaf 40,289

Congratulations to the following student who has achieved 200 House points (white award):

  • Layla 7Bh, Maya 7Bh, Hugo 7Dr, Langa 7Dr, Luka 7Dr, Sebby 7Dr, Josh 7Nt, Ksenia 7Nt, Milly 7Sl/Kf, Freya 7St, Pola 7St, Bella 7Ti, Isla 7Wa, Mishka 7Wa
  • Joel 8Hh, Anna 8Mw, Aaliyah 8Pn/Cf

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 150 House points (gold award):

  • Luca 7Bh, Nellie 7Bh, Esmee-Ann 7Nt, Muhammad 7Oe, Mason 7Sl/Kf, Shelby 7Ti, George 7Wa, Vanessa 7Wa
  • Lewis 8Dt/Tl, Benjamin 8Hh, Miranda 8Hh, Farzan 8Jh/Dm, Xavier 8Jh/Dm, Austin 8Tr, Lexi 8Tr

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 100 House points (silver award):

  • Lilly 7Bh, Eli 7Sl/Kf, Ethan 7Ti
  • Kesava 8Bn, Michelle 8Bn, Milo 8Tr

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 75 House points (bronze award):

  • Ella-May 8Bn

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 50 House points (house badge):

  • Darcie 8Dt/Tl

Year 11 into 12

If your child has been offered a place in St Ivo Sixth Form, we kindly ask that parents/carers confirm if their child will be attending the Sixth Form induction day on Thursday 27 June, if they have been offered a place and have not done so already. Please email to confirm by Friday 10 May.

Cyber Choices and Online Safety Events

The police are offering free cyber workshops aimed at parents with children aged 9 and above. Details can be found here.

What is CAMHS or CYPMHS?

CAMHS is a free NHS service that helps children and young people with emotional, behavioural and mental health difficulties.

The service provides support and treatment, including individual and family therapy, medication, staying in hospital (inpatient care) and parenting support courses. CAMHS teams also diagnose neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism and ADHD (though in some areas this may be through paediatric teams instead).

CAMHS teams include psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, nurses, social workers and other professionals who specialise in working with children and families.

The newer term CYPMHS may also be used. This includes CAMHS and non-NHS organisations supporting children with emotional wellbeing and mental health in your area, such as charities, schools and local authorities.

What kinds of problems can CAMHS help with?

CAMHS offers support for a wide range of emotional and behavioural difficulties, neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, self-harm, violent or angry behaviour, eating disorders, the effects of abuse or trauma, obsessions and compulsions, psychosis, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.