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Other Information


There is no insurance policy to cover compensation for accidental injury during normal school time; for example, there is no compensation for injury sustained on the sports field unless that injury arises through negligence. Parents/carers requiring such cover should take out a policy for themselves. There is also no insurance for personal property lost or stolen in school; particularly valuable items should not be brought to school.

Lost property

Personal property belonging to employees, students, or members of the public is brought onto the premises at the owner’s own risk. The school cannot accept any responsibility for items of value and is not insured for any loss incurred. Staff are advised to include any valuable items brought to school on their own insurance policies.

To this end staff, students and visitors are advised to leave items of value at home, or where possible in a secure facility, such as a locker or locked desk.

Possessions should be identifiable by name wherever possible. If lost property is handed in and has a name tag or identifier it is far easier to contact the owner for collection. If no name tag or identifier is obvious, the item will go through the lost property procedure.

Medical care

We have a number of qualified first aiders in attendance during school hours to deal with emergencies that occur during the school day. We ask all parents/ carers to give, in confidence, information about illnesses, infirmities or disabilities. This should include children with nut or any other severe allergies and if they require an Epipen or any other medication in school, which needs to be supplied by the parents/ carers.

Procedure for dealing with cases of suspected child abuse

It may be helpful for parents/ carers to know that the law (Children Act 1989) requires all school staff to pass on information which raises concern that a child may be at risk from non-accidental injury, neglect or emotional or sexual abuse.

This procedure is intended to protect children and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for concern it is better to be over-cautious than to risk a child’s safety. In some cases they therefore have an unavoidable duty to contact social services without reference to parents/ carers. On other occasions, the school will contact parents/ carers prior to contacting social services.

Occasionally, this duty on schools means that they must risk upsetting some parents/ carers by reporting a concern which, on investigation, proves to be unfounded. In these circumstances, it is hoped that parents/ carers will appreciate how difficult it is for schools to carry out this delicate responsibility and accept that we were acting in good faith and had to take these steps in the best interests of children. The designated member of staff with responsibility for child protection is a senior member of staff.

Valuable items

Valuable items such as mobile phones are brought on site at the owner’s risk. The school insurance does not cover damage or loss of these items. Parents/ Carers may wish to enquire as to whether their own insurance policies cover valuable items brought to school. The school is not responsible for the safety and security of these items, even when they are confiscated.