This document is the constitution of the St Ivo Academy Parents Advisory Council.
Article 1: Name and purpose
1.1 Name: The official name of this organisation shall be the St Ivo Parents Advisory Council, hereinafter referred to as the “PAC.”
1.2 Purpose: The purpose of the PAC is to foster open communication and collaboration between parents, the school leadership and the local governance committee (LGC). The PAC will serve as an advisory body with the goal of providing input on matters crucial to the school community, including curriculum, policies, substantial changes, and fundraising activities.
1.3 Fundraising: The PAC will lead fundraising efforts for the school, with priorities identified by the school’s leadership.
Article 2: Membership
2.1 Composition: The PAC shall consist of members appointed by the school’s leadership and two self-nominated parents from each year group, selected by the school’s LGC.
2.2 Appointment of Members by School Leadership: The school’s leadership shall appoint up to six members to the PAC.
2.3 Parent Representatives: Two parents from each year group shall be allowed to self-nominate to become PAC members. The final selection of these parent representatives shall be made by the school’s LGC, who will aim to secure maximum representativeness.
2.4 Term of Office: Members shall serve a term of two years, with the possibility of reappointment for an additional term. In the case of a vacancy, the school’s leadership or LGC, as applicable, shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term.
2.5 Resignation and Disqualification: A member of the PAC my retire at any time by giving notice in writing. A member ceases to be a member of the PAC if they no longer have a child enrolled at the school, where the member has failed to attend three meetings out of any six, or where their continued membership is agreed by the Principal and Chair of the PAC to be inconsistent with the PAC’s aims and good functioning. The school’s LGC may, at its discretion, retire a member of the PAC.
Article 3: Meetings
3.1 Frequency: The PAC shall meet at least six times per academic year, and additional meetings may be scheduled as needed.
3.2 Attendance and Quorum: A quorum for PAC meetings shall be a majority of its members. The Principal and any member of the LGC may attend a meeting. Staff may attend at the Principal’s invitation.
3.3 Agenda: The agenda for PAC meetings shall focus on key areas of advisory input, including but not limited to curriculum, policies, substantial changes, and fundraising activities. Members may submit agenda items in advance.
3.4 Secretarial: The agenda and any documents for each meeting will be prepared by the secretary, who will be a member of the school’s staff. The secretary will maintain a written record of proceedings which will inform a summary reported to all parents of the school through the Principal’s newsletter or equivalent.
Article 4: Advisory role
4.1 Decision-Making Powers: The PAC shall have no formal decision-making powers. It serves solely in an advisory capacity to the school’s leadership and LGC.
4.2 Areas of Advisory Input: The PAC shall provide valuable input on critical matters such as curriculum development, policy formulation, substantial changes affecting the school community, and strategies for effective fundraising. The school’s leadership and LGC will consider this input in their decision-making processes.
Article 5: Code of conduct
5.1 Professionalism: PAC members shall conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner during all interactions within the PAC and with the school’s leadership, LGC, and other stakeholders.
5.2 Working in Partnership: PAC members shall work collaboratively with the school’s leadership, LGC and the wider trust, recognising the importance of a partnership approach. Members will seek opportunities to act as ambassadors for the school. Members will avoid conduct and activity outside the school – including online – which disparages the school or trust or brings the school or trust into disrepute.
5.3 Communication: Members shall communicate openly and transparently with each other, the school’s leadership, and the LGC. Constructive feedback and input are encouraged.
5.4 Confidentiality: On occasion, an item might be deemed in advance to be confidential, in which case only communication agreed by the Principal should be shared after the meeting. This is intended to facilitate openness in discussions, including of various options, and is not to be used to limit discussion of the PAC’s work unnecessarily.
Article 6: Officers
6.1 Chairperson Election: The chairperson of the PAC shall be elected by a majority vote of the PAC members during the first meeting of each academic year. Any member of the PAC is eligible for nomination as chairperson.
6.2 Nomination Process: Nominations for the position of chairperson may be made by any PAC member, including self-nominations. Nominees may provide a brief statement outlining their interest and qualifications for the role.
6.3 Voting Process: Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot if there is more than one nominee. The nominee receiving the majority of votes shall be elected as the chairperson.
6.4 Term of Chairperson: The chairperson shall serve a term of one academic year and may be re-elected for additional terms.
6.5 Responsibilities: The chairperson shall preside over meetings, represent the PAC in interactions with the school’s leadership and LGC, and coordinate the activities of the PAC.
6.6 Succession: In the event that the chairperson is unable to fulfil their duties, the PAC shall hold a special election to elect a new chairperson to serve the remainder of the term.
Article 7: Amendments
7.1 Amendments: This constitution may be amended by the LGC, subject also to the Principal’s agreement. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing before the meeting at which they will be considered.
Article 8: Ratification
8.1 Ratification: This constitution shall be considered ratified upon approval by the school’s leadership and LGC.
This constitution was adopted on Wednesday 1 May 2024 by the LGC.