Welcome to the PAC!
This page aims to inform you about who we are, what we’re about, what we discuss, and how to contact us.
What is the PAC?
PAC is short for the Parents Advisory Council.
The purpose of the PAC is to foster open communication and collaboration between parents/ carers, the school leadership and the local governance committee. The PAC serves as an advisory body with the goal of providing input on matters crucial to the school community, including curriculum, policies, substantial changes, and fundraising activities.
The PAC constitution governs its operation, a copy of this can be found here: https://www.astreastivo.org/pac-constitution
Information about PAC members, and how to join can be found here: https://www.astreastivo.org/pac-membership
Our meetings
The minutes of our meetings, which include proposals for future agenda items, can be found on the dedicated PAC meetings page: https://www.astreastivo.org/pac-meetings
Communicating with the PAC
The PAC is very happy to receive information from parents and carers about their experiences with school – both its strengths and successes as well as areas for possible improvement.
However, the PAC, just like the Local Governance Committee (LGC), is not part of the school’s concerns and complaints policy and cannot intervene in any individual cases; therefore, the PAC cannot respond to individual case concerns. The PAC encourages parents or carers with specific concerns to contact the school directly.
You can contact the PAC via the email address: pac@astreastivo.org
Anything sent to this email address is automatically forwarded to all members of the PAC. Upon receiving an email, the chairperson will take a view on how to respond and will seek confirmation from other members. The PAC will respond to your email in one of four ways:
- Merits discussion: The chairperson will add the email to the next PAC agenda, and you will be able to read about the discussion in the published minutes.
- Requires immediate discussion: The chairperson may decide that the contents of the email is time-sensitive, and therefore may invite email communication between PAC members prior to the next PAC meeting; you may receive a response before or straight after the next meeting without having to wait for the publication of the minutes.
- Signpost to concerns and complaints: The chairperson feels that the contents of the email would be better addressed through the school’s concerns and complaints process. An outline of that process can be found here: https://www.astreastivo.org/concerns
- Not within the PAC’s remit: The chairperson decides that the contents of the email is outside the remit of the PAC; in this case your email will be forwarded to the principal for review instead of being discussed at the next PAC meeting.