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SEND Information Report

St Ivo Academy SEND Information Report – 2024-2025

This report serves as a summary of the provision we offer at St Ivo Academy for young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). The definition of SEND is derived from the 2014 Code of Practice.

“A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they:

  1. have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or
  2. have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.”

These values run through everything we do at St Ivo Academy as we aspire to ensure that our provision for all young people, including those with SEND, is of the best quality. We believe in a culture, where effort is seen as the key to success, not a fixed notion of talent. We believe wholeheartedly in the limitless potential of all people.

This report should be read alongside other policies including

  • Behaviour
  • Attendance
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection
  • Supporting Students at School with Medical Conditions
  • Examinations
  • Accessibility Plan
  • Equality policy and Equality objectives

St Ivo Academy supports the reforms of the Children and Families Act 2014. The school will ensure the following principles are at the heart of school policy for those students who may have SEND:

  • High expectations and aspirations for what young people can achieve
  • Aspirations of young people and their parents and carers that are placed at the centre of everything we do
  • Early identification of needs and integrated early help
  • Appropriate involvement in integrated assessment and planning from 0-25 years old, focused on long-term outcomes, bringing together education, health and care support
  • High-quality provision is arranged, with clear pathways and providing choice and control to families
  • Excellent outcomes achieved through the knowledge, skills and attitude of everyone working with children and young people.

St Ivo Academy supports students in the following 4 areas of areas of additional needs:

  • Cognition and Learning – Moderate Learning Difficulty and Specific Learning Difficulty (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Attachment Disorder  and a range of other SEMH needs
  • Sensory and/or Physical – Visual or Deafness difficulties, a variety of physical difficulties/disabilities and needs
  • Communication and Interaction – Speech, Language and Communication needs, Autism Spectrum Disorder

This is not an exhaustive list however, it does give a generalised list of additional needs we cater for and work to support.


Support and Provision

Who do I need to contact about SEND at St Ivo Academy?

Mr David West is the Academy’s Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo). He can be contacted directly by phone: 01480 375413. Alternatively, he can be contacted by email

Mrs Helen Kay is the Academy’s Assistant Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (Assistant SENDCo). Mrs Kay is also our qualified Exam Access Assessor and can be contacted on the school telephone number of 01480 375400. Alternatively, she can be contacted by email

Mrs Elaine Warriner is the Vice Principal responsible for the line management of SEND.

Who else will support my child?

All our teachers and teaching assistants are trained, through continuing professional development (CPD), to adapt their practice to meet the needs of young people with a range of special educational needs and/or disabilities. Teachers are also trained to be able to make the most effective use of the teaching assistants they might have working with them in their classes. In St Ivo Academy we have a team of Teaching Assistants (TAs) that work with students in lessons, lead and deliver specific interventions in small groups or on an individual basis for specific targeted students.

What information do we use to identify SEN?

We use a range of data and information to identify students with SEN. Initially, we use Key stage 2 data and teacher information from our partner primary schools during the Y6 into Y7 transition process, or for those following the mid-phase transfer route, previous school information. In September, all Year 7 students will undertake Cognitive Ability Teats (CATs), New Group Reading Tests (NGRT) and English and Maths standardised assessments. The data from these CATs, NGRTs and other assessments produce standardised scores, for which a score of 100 would be the average.

Additional support would be considered for students who score below a key threshold, depending upon their needs, to enable them to boost their progress and attainment. Throughout the year assessment data is reviewed for all students. Those children who are falling behind expected progress are identified and steps taken to secure improvements initially in departments and with the SEND team as needed. Teachers can also complete a referral form for the SEND team if they believe a student might face particular barriers to learning.  In addition, all parents can log concerns about possible additional needs with form tutors, teaching staff and the SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo at any time.

In Key Stage 4 and 5, certain students will be offered additional assessments to identify if they qualify for exam access arrangements for their GCSE examinations and/or Post16 examinations. It is vital that all parties are aware that students have to qualify for exam access arrangements following the clear guidance from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and any provision must be evidenced as part of their ‘normal way of working’, with the exception of emergency provision, discussed on a case by case basis.

What interventions do we use to support SEND?

Qualify First Teaching is the first step to ensure that all students make the maximum progress, including those with SEND. All teachers receive detailed information about students’ needs through the confidential special education needs and disabilities register. The register includes a Person Centred Plan (PCP) of each student outlining their learning needs and guidance as to how best to meet their needs and overcome any barriers to learning. These are written in conjunction with the student, their family and any external professional/s or report/s shared with the SEND team.   These documents are reviewed at regular intervals during the academic year.

Year 7 students working significantly below age expected standard in reading will be considered to receive additional reading support, following the Fresh Start Phonics Programme. Those students with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) may receive some in-class support from a teaching assistant, working under the direction of their class teacher with oversight from the SENDCO and SEND team. This support will focus on specific educational targets and short/long term goals, in order to maximise the child’s progress.

A number of additional small group and individual interventions also take place in form/reading time for fixed amounts of time. These provisions include those to help support literacy needs such as: ReadWrite Inc; Paired Reading; Catch-Up Literacy programme; Inference and Handwriting support. Numeracy interventions include a Catch-Up booster programme as well as targeted support on Time and Money. The Learning Support department also provides a Social Skills group; a Lego Therapy and Art group.

Additional help can also be accessed for homework support in our after school Homework club in the Resource Centre three times a week; please see our clubs offer for specific details.

What additional support from services is available for my child with SEND?

Directly funded by the school/Trust:

  • Inclusion workers
  • School Nursing
  • Educational welfare officer
  • Alternative provision if appropriate
  • Access Arrangement Testing for support in formal exams
  • School counsellors
  • Speech and language therapists

Paid for centrally by the Local Authority but delivered in school:

  • Educational Psychology Service (limited hours of support)
  • Sensory Service for children with visual or deafness needs

Provided and paid for by the Health Service but delivered in school:

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • School and community paediatrician
  • Specialised nursing services
  • Speech and Language Therapy

Other services we might use:

  • District team
  • CAMHS (Child and adolescent mental health service

Referrals can be made throughout the year, in consultation with students and parents.

What is available to support my child’s social and emotional needs?

Our school’s pastoral system offers excellent support for all students, with the form tutor as the key ‘champion of the child’. In addition, the Heads of Year, Pastoral Support Officer (PSO) and Assistant Principals work to ensure the positive wellbeing of all our students. Some more vulnerable students are allocated a TA keyworker who will offer additional care and guidance on a regular basis.

What additional equipment and facilities are available to support my child?

The Learning Support Unit (SSU) is based in Main block, room 22 commonly called the SSU. This is an inclusive area, open to students that require additional support, including the sixth form. The SSU offers a quiet sanctuary space for all students. During break and lunchtime, Room 20 offers further capacity for students and this is staffed at social times, by Teaching assistants. Bespoke teaching bases are located close to the SSU and these are used for some small group/1:1 interventions. The SSU is also home to SENDCo/Assistant SENCo’s offices and a recently created Sensory Room for short sensory breaks.  A number of laptops are available for those students who need them. Additional equipment such as dyslexia overlays and sensory aids are also available.

Progress and Achievement

How does St Ivo Academy assess and review the progress of children with SEND?

Throughout the year, the progress of all students is assessed in each subject area. This data and information is scrutinised by senior staff including the SENDCo. If any student is falling behind expected progress according to their targets, a strategy for accelerating progress will be planned and reviewed initially by subject specialists. Subject Leaders and class teachers will track the progress of SEND students as part of their ongoing assessment for all.

Student voice and parental feedback is also used to assess progress, in particular during Annual Reviews and at parents’ evenings.

How are teachers trained to support SEND students in their classes?

Teachers have ongoing whole school training on best practice for meeting the needs of all students, including SEND. In addition, the SENDCo provides bespoke training for staff who are teaching specific students or training related to specific special educational needs. The SENDCo draws upon the expertise of specialist form the local authority where necessary. St Ivo Academy has a clear system for developing consistent, inclusive, core teaching strategies which is overseen by the Senior Team.


How does St Ivo Academy support the effective transition of young people from primary school into year 7?

Our Pastoral staff including the SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo work closely with our feeder primary schools to enable a smooth transition. Detailed transfer information is gathered from primary school staff. A Person Centred Plan (PCP) is completed for each incoming year 7 student with SEND needs and is shared with form tutors, class teachers and other key staff as needed.

A range of transition events take place throughout Year 6, including open evenings, bespoke provision for small groups or individuals according to need. The SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo are available to attend Annual Reviews for students transferring in St Ivo at the end of Year 6.

How does St Ivo Academy support the effective transition of young people from Year 11 into post-16 provision and beyond?

A number of our SEND students transfer to the sixth form here at St Ivo Academy. A smooth transition is ensured through effective sharing of information to support the students’ learning needs. In addition, the SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo liaise closely with inclusion staff at other Post16 provision within the local area, such as Hills Road Sixth Form College, Long Road Sixth form College, Cambridge Regional College and other school sixth forms. Additional careers guidance, site visits and transport support are arranged according to need, in order to enable students to make a smooth transition and to help develop students’ independent life skills. St Ivo Academy also uses the local Locality Team to assist students that require additional support with their transition, support from our Senior Transitions Officer alongside the provision from the local authority on Preparing for Adulthood team. (PFA)  A link to their website can be found here – Cambridgeshire Online | Preparing For Adult Life

Extra-curricular provision

What activities are open to my child apart from the curriculum?

All SEND students are able to take part in the wide range of clubs, trips and extra-curricular opportunities, as long as it is safe to do so. In addition, there are some activities such as: Room 20, Homework Club, Social skills groups and Lego Therapy, which are specifically targeted to support SEND students. The academy’s aim is to provide as inclusive an educational experience as possible.

How do we make sure that the communication between school and parents is strong and effective?

We operate an open-door policy. Parents can contact the SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo about any concerns they may have about their child’s special educational needs, at any point in the school year. Their contact details are above.

St Ivo Academy uses Bromcom within school which parents can see using the ‘My Child at School’ portal and students can use the ‘Student Portal’. This is where homework is recorded alongside all other key data and information. At key assessment points parents receive a detailed report of their child’s progress, within this system. In addition, for those students with Education, Health and care Plans, parents play a key role in Annual Reviews.

How do we ensure that the views of students with SEND are heard and responded to?

Student Voice is valued highly at St Ivo Academy. It is a key part of the process by which we review the effectiveness of our provision. Students are encouraged to attend parents’ evenings and share their views. All SEND interventions are reviewed and evaluated using student feedback as part of the process. Those students with TA keyworkers give regular feedback about their progress and needs.

Consultation takes place annually with those students with physical disabilities, as part of the ongoing review of our Access Plan. Student feedback is also an important part of the Annual Review process for all students with EHCPs, with a real focus in looking at their future plans and aspirations.

What if I’m not happy about an SEND issue related to my child?

Initially, if you need advice or need to express some concerns you should make direct contact with your child’s form tutor, year team or the SENDCO/Assistant SENDCO, who will endeavour to resolve any difficulties.

If the matter is still unresolved please contact the Principal, Mr Meneaugh. You may also feel it useful to contact the Cambridgeshire SEND Information, Advice and Support Service SENDIASS. SENDIASS are a service which aims to help children, young people, parents and carers understand the special educational needs system and be a part of it. They aim to enable families to confidently make informed choices and decisions. They have a duty to provide information, advice and support to children and young people who have, or may have special educational needs and disabilities 0-25 years, and their parents/ carers. The service is available at all stages of school life. SENDIASS provide information, advice and support on matters surrounding: Education, Health and Social Care. SENDIASS details can be found here. Cambridgeshire Online | SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

Where can I find additional information about SEND in Cambridgeshire?

Further information, support and guidance about SEND in Cambridgeshire, the Local Offer website may be useful –  Cambridgeshire Online | SEND Information Hub (Local Offer)