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Sixth Form

Message from the Sixth Form team

St Ivo Sixth Form offers around 40 subjects ranging from a large suite of A levels, including Law, Politics, Psychology and Photography, to more coursework related Level 3 subjects like Performing Arts (Dance) or Information Technology. Students may re-take GCSE English Language or Maths if required. To compliment A levels we offer the EPQ, a one year individually inspired extended project, and Further Maths A level to compliment Maths and Physics courses. Typically, students study 3 or 4 subjects in Sixth Form.

Our enrichment and extra-curricular activities are diverse and extensive. As well as House Captains, the Sixth Form Council and our Head Students, we offer many other opportunities to get involved. Our sixth form students also have the opportunity to become subject representatives who meet regularly to discuss their subject and ideas on how to enhance it further across the school and students can also choose to attend the STEM enrichment lessons. Other enrichment opportunities available include, arts and crafts, foreign films, true crime and recreational/competitive sport. The sixth form every year complete activities to support and raise money for a range of different charities including Pink Day (Breast Cancer Now), MacMillan Coffee Morning, Comic/Sport Relief and Children in Need.

Pat Braybrook – Head of Sixth Form
Clare Webster – Deputy Head of Sixth Form

16-19 funding statement 

All students at St Ivo Sixth Form study Level 3 courses, alongside retaking GCSE English Language or Maths if they did not achieve a minimum of grade 4 in these subjects.

The majority of Level 3 courses are A Levels, with some BTEC or Cambridge Technical courses. All these courses are taught for five hours a week as standard. We also offer the Extended Project Qualification, with tutorials to accompany this.

A variety of personal development activities are provided for Sixth Formers. These include support with post-18 applications University, apprenticeships or employment. Students also have opportunities to speak to external providers regarding gap year opportunities and volunteering.. All students have daily tutor time (25 minutes) where they participate in independent study, study skills, careers and personal development learning. All year 12 students partake in a work shadowing placement towards the end of the summer term.   There is also an extra-curricular offer.

Tuition funding is used to provide small group tutoring for those students in our Sixth Form who have not yet achieved a grade 4 in GCSE English Languages or Maths. Groups are provided in both Years 12 and 13.

Useful links

To contact the Sixth Form team email

Our Sixth Form prospectus for entry September 2024 is now available. The block sheet, which shows possible subject combinations for those subjects which are confirmed as running, is also available.

Sixth Form dress code for 2023-24.

Useful documents: Sixth Form learning agreement.

Sixth Form enrichment opportunities.

16-19 Bursary: introductory letter, further information, student agreement and application form.

UCAS website – lots of useful information for students applying for higher education. There is a newsletter you can sign up for. In particular information on the new UCAS Tariff can be found here.


  • School must be notified of absences by 8.30am on the day by emailing
  • Any known absence in advance must be supported with the completion of a ‘Request for Authorised Absence form’ which can be collected from the sixth form block and returned to the sixth form office.

Please visit the Attendance section of the Essential Information page for further details

Sixth Form retention

In relation to the 2022-24 we have retained 96.9% of students in to Year 13 (October to October).

For the 2021-23 cohort this figure was 91.8%, including those students who finished one year courses.

Further information

Apprenticeships: information and applications

UCAS: Going to University?

Student finance: for university

Amazing Apprenticeships for apprenticeship guidance and support

Careersbox: video clips of various prospective careers

Careers in sport