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The School Day

The structure of the school day 2024-25 is as follows:

8.30 – 8.35 Morning welcome (tutor time for Sixth Form)
8.35 – 8.55 Tutor time / assembly
8.55 – 9.50 Period 1
9.50 – 10.45 Period 2
10.45 – 11.05 Break
11.05 – 12.00 Period 3
12.00 – 12.25 Reading tutorial*
12.25 – 13.10 Lunch**
13.10 – 14.05 Period 4
14.05 – 15.00 Period 5
15.00 – 15.55 Period 6***

* Year 11 complete subject intervention during this time, and Sixth Form have mentoring.

** Tutorial and lunch are sometimes swapped throughout the year e.g. to allow Year 7 to have an early lunch when they begin, and to allow Year 11 to have an early lunch during mock and exam periods.

*** This is only for those students undertaking GCSE Further Maths, subject interventions or clubs.