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Bus transport for students is arranged by Cambridgeshire Local Authority for students in Years 7 – 11 who live further away or are from low income families. More details can be found at:

Pre-16 transport (mainstream) | Cambridgeshire County Council

Late bus

The school provides a ‘late bus’ on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. This departs at 16.15 from the school roundabout (students should be at the roundabout at 16.10 to meet the bus and give the driver their destination village). On request, the bus will drop off at one central point in each village also served by Local Authority provided transport, except Hemingford Abbots.


When students bring cycles into school, they should observe road safety rules and maintain their brakes and lights frequently during the winter months. Helmets are strongly recommended. Bicycles can be left in the racks provided for cycles in the school grounds. They are left at the owner’s risk and students should lock them and remove possessions from them. The police inspect the bikes from time to time. Riding of cycles in the school grounds is not allowed. Students should not leave their bikes at the Leisure Centre.


If you bring your child to school by car, please do not bring the car on to the premises. The best place to drop your child off is in the Leisure Centre car park, to avoid congestion in the streets around the school. Please do not drop off your child at the roundabout at the top of High Leys.