St Ivo Academy has a great reputation for providing a wide range of educational visits throughout Sixth Form. Indeed, past and present students, parents/ carers and staff often reminisce about the impact of visits on their educational experience and the way they have positively shaped the mindset and indeed subject and career choices, of our young people over the years.
The visits are a mixture of local, national and international experiences and include both day visits and residential. We believe visits form an important part of every student’s education, enabling them to experience something new, and hence we would encourage them all to undertake at least two trips during their learning journey. Through experience we have found that students benefit from these activities in a number of ways, particularly on residential visits and involving outdoor activities. These benefits include helping to build self esteem, confidence and independence, as well as learning to co-operate and work well in a group.
Examples of past educational visits
- Sutton Hoo (history)
- Switzerland outdoor experience
- Skiing
- London (textiles); WWI battlefields (history); Iceland (geography); Paris (French); skiing
- London (textiles); skiing
- Snowdonia (geography)
Students may also be offered additional opportunities that arise, for example theatre and dance productions where we are able to secure tickets.
Sometimes sporting events are offered (for example Wimbledon tennis tickets, golf, and cycling), with priority given to students involved in extra-curricular sports clubs.
Alongside subject trips, students will have the opportunity to attend the UCAS discovery exhibition and university open day trips.